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Empowering Micro Destinations For Sustainable Tourism (MIST)

Since January 2024, five partners are working together on a project called Empowering Micro Destinations for Sustainable Tourism, with the general objective to contribute to the development of knowledge sharing and capacity building among tourism stakeholders across Europe.


The five regions involved are The Region of Halland (SE), Svensk Destinationsutveckling (SE), SIA Liepājas reģiona tūrisma informācijas birojs (LV), Sweden Emilia Romagna Network (IT) and the Kvarner region Turisticka zajednica Primorsko-goranske zupanije (HR).

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Project Objectives


- Promote the implementation of sustainable tourism strategies in micro destinations that benefit both visitors and local communities.

- Increase the understanding and skills related to sustainable micro-destination development for policy makers and planners. These skills include cross disciplinary understanding of the impacts on sustainable tourism in the micro destination as a whole from decision and policies made in its parts.

- Increase the awareness of community based approaches for placemaking and micro-destination

development, an area where the knowledge and research from academia seldom meets reality.

Project results


1. A framework of good practices for the sustainable development of established and emerging micro destination that includes guidelines and methods that can be applied by regions and municipalities to develop and manage micro destinations in a more sustainable and resilient way.

2. Increased awareness and adoption of sustainable tourism practices among tourism stakeholders, including tourism organisations, community members, municipalities, local government, and other public partners. This will lead to the development of more sustainable and resilient micro destinations that benefit both the sustainable growth of local communities and responsible visitors.

3. Strengthened networks and partnerships between tourism stakeholders across Europe, enabling them to learn from each other and share good practices. This will strengthen the capacity of regions and municipalities to develop sustainable and resilient tourism destinations.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
[Project number: 2023-2-SE01- KA210-VET-000181128]

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